Sunday, June 9, 2013

Early & Later

Weve initially I was too infatuated with you, but why do I love turn no shortchanged me so bad I own the same myself, why? Obviously I fear the same people slandered, those who do not yet know but so pretentious know-__-
heck did not I start this step, but initially wrote already terrified let alone fit in between having her yet dancer in teachers, especially if it's the same up to the gaffer knows that and especially if severe Hi5 until dissolved, for anything I would never willingly yes for life.
I know why I love you, and you care about me, I'm too sensitive. but that problem is not about us but about the feeling among our third-party single / many, but there are really hurt that I'm sure, the same time he wrote you there yangg heartache (I) feasibility I will not taste the same events I Serves others, no I would not. hhhh, I know I'm corny but yes this than my own mild upset in the blog I confide in assent, there is not going to read too right: b

Aku Kamu dan Dia


Tau rasanya mencintai sesuatu yang nggak tampak
Tetap berjalan walaupun tau nggak bakal sampai
Yakin kalau suatu saat kamu bisa sadar ada aku disini
Atau mungkin kamu nggak inget?
Dan dalam waktu yang lama, aku bisa bertahan
Karna kamu.

Nggak pernah sadar kalau sedang ditunggu
Karna saat kamu berjalan, kamu hanya berjalan lurus
Nggak pernah mau tau sekelilingmu
Saat kamu kehilangan, kamu dengan cepat mencari pengganti
Tanpa usaha untuk merebut kembali apa yang sudah menjadi milikmu
Tanpa usaha...
Sekarang apa kamu bahagia sama dia?

Beruntung karna bisa mendengar tawamu
Tau kalau ada aku disini, tapi dia tetap mengambil jalanku
Tanpa peduli ada orang yang tersakiti
Tapi dia ya dia, nggak akan pernah berubah dimata kamu.